Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Ramblings .......

Do you think there is such a thing as too much cardmaking in one day?  I didn't either until my brain decided to go to mush tonight and nothing was working.  I'm trying to tick things off my list and a couple of them have priority - they have to be done by Thursday or .......... (my life won't be worth living, eeeeekk).

So, today I :
1. did a letterbox drop route (for the Christmas service times for church).  The route I chose this time was fairly straightforward with no back-tracking, and I got to walk past a favourite house.  It's an old one but beautifully maintained with little diamond panes of glass in the windows.  They don't build them like this any more.
2. wrote up the Alice in Paperland blog, with the new Graphic 45 collections and upcoming classes.
3. made another batch of Christmas cards, which means I now have 58 cards (8 of these are leftover oddments, I normally make batches of 10) ready to write on.
4. made one of the two Retirement cards (the second one has a finished insert {I never do inserts first!} but no idea what to put on the front - BIG sigh!).

I still have a Wedding card to make and the wedding is this coming Saturday.  I don't think I'll have time tomorrow so it's looking like Thursday or Friday - I love doing things at the last minute - NOT!!!

So, I guess it's time to do the dishes and a little ironing for tomorrow before maybe an early night?

Ok, my ramblings are over - I'll be back again soon with something to show you.

Happy crafting!

1 comment:

  1. Helen, all I can say is...I hear yah! Somehow, no matter how good our intentions are, December is a month of falling further and further behind each day that passes. But, don't let this all get you down. What absolutely needs to get down does...and what doesn't, doesn't really matter (well, until next month maybe!). Sleep is important, do it! ;-)


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